Michael Jansen and Michaela Liehner-Jansen (eds.)
Ports and Trans-Ports
Evolution and Revolution(s) in the Indian Ocean World
2021, 392 pages, Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-93-87496-54-5
New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors
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Michael Jansen and Michaela Liehner-Jansen (eds.)
Ports and Trans-Ports
Evolution and Revolution(s) in the Indian Ocean World
Digital Version
2020, 406 pages, .pdf file
ISSN: 1437-1774
Aachen: Freunde des Reiff e.V. (FdR) at RWTH Aachen University
Price 39.90 Euro
Preview available here
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Bank Name: Sparkasse Aachen
Account Name: Freunde des Reiff e.V.
IBAN: DE 93 3905 0000 0020 0082 64
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Michael Jansen, Michael Modigell and Burkhard Rauhut (eds.)
In Honour of the Visit of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said
German University of Technology in Oman
GUtech – The First Ten Years (2007-2017)
2020, 253 pages, Hard Cover
ISBN (luxury edition): 978-3-487-15946-1
ISBN (regular edition): 978-3-487-15673-6
Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag AG
More info here
Preview available here

Michael Jansen (ed.)
Historic Settlements of Oman
Volume II: Governorate Batinah
2018, 147 pages, .pdf file
ISSN: 1437-1774
Aachen: RWTH / Freunde des Reiff e.V. (FdR)
Digital version available here

Abdulrahman Al Salimi and Michael Jansen (eds.)
Portugal in the Sea of Oman: Religion and Politics. Corpus 2: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal Part 2: Transcriptions, English Translation, Arabic Translation.
Volumes 11-16. Volume 17: Index. In collaboration with Pedro Pinto and Helmut Siepmann.
2018, 2094/LXX pages, Hard Cover (Leinen)
ISBN: 978-3-487-15271-4
Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag AG
More info here

Abdulrahman Al Salimi and Michael Jansen (eds.)
Portugal in the Sea of Oman: Religion and Politics. Research on Documents. Corpus 1: Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo Part 2: Transcriptions, English Translation, Arabic Translation.
Volumes 1-10. In collaboration with Pedro Pinto, Karsten Ley and Helmut Siepmann.
2015, 3208 pages, Hard Cover (Leinen)
ISBN: 978-3-487-15270-7
Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag AG
More info here

Michael Jansen and Muhammad Sultan Al Salmy (eds.)
Historic Settlements of Oman
Volume I: Governorate Muscat
2014, 160 pages, .pdf file
ISBN: 978-3-936971-35-4
Aachen: RWTH / Freunde des Reiff e.V. (FdR)
Digital version available here

Michael Jansen
Stadt der Brunnen und Kanäle – City of Wells and Drains
Wasseluxus vor 4500 Jahren – Water Splendour 4500 Years Ago
1993, 144 pages, Hard Cover
ISBN: 3-922671-02-0
Bergisch Gladbach: Frontinus-Gesellschaft e.V.
Price 25.00 Euro
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Bank Name: Sparkasse Aachen
Account Name: Freunde des Reiff e.V.
IBAN: DE 93 3905 0000 0020 0082 64
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